Tag Archives: aa meetings West Palm Beach

A meetings West Palm Beach provides the best places for Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12-steps plays a vital role for many and the articles provide the best meeting places for AA meetings.


Best AA Meetings West Palm Beach Alcoholics Anonymous

The best AA meetings West Palm Beach options are amongst the best in Florida and the United States. There are a variety of Alcoholics Anonymous(AA) meetings in West Palm Beach because it’s one of the nation’s most popular destinations for addiction treatment. Many individuals come here to start their recovery journey and attend addiction treatment.  The exact number of addiction treatment centers and sober homes is unknown. However, it is estimated that there are between 400-600 addiction recovery related centers in the West Palm Beach area.

There is an abundance of drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers, detox and sober living facilities. It’s easy to see why West Palm Beach hosts the best Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings.  It is the starting place for many trying to recover from drug addiction. Many individuals tend to stay in the area after they receive treatment from addiction treatment centers.

Why the Best AA Meetings West Palm Beach Options are the Best in Florida and in the United States?

The best AA Meetings West Palm Beach options have so many outstanding options. Many patients entering a drug and addiction treatment center find themselves scared and confused while seeking purpose and unity. Most of these individuals try Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous at some point to assist in recovery. These meetings have a great purpose for many seeking long-term recovery.  Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and other 12-step programs help foster education and deep relationships with individuals experiencing the same difficult obstacles. With so many coming to South Florida, it is no wonder why South Florida hosts the best AA Alcoholics Anonymous meetings West Palm Beach.

According to Alcoholics Anonymous, the only absolute requirement is the desire to stop drinking, but many suffering from drug addiction are attracted to this helpful entity as well. These meetings are just as vital to early recovery as they are to long-term recovery, with the first goal being to attend 90 meetings in 90 days, or “90 in 90.” With over 600 treatment centers and sober livings in West Palm Beach, Florida it is no wonder why South Florida is the home to some of the nation’s best AA meetings.

Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Playing a Role

%Drug Rehab SEO Best AA Meetings West Palm Beach Alcoholics Anonymous

Drug rehabs West Palm Beach play a huge role in providing the best AA meetings West Palm Beach. After attending addiction treatment in palm beach county, the next step is recovery residences and in many cases AA meetings. Many addiction treatment centers connect their clients to AA meetings while they are in treatment. AA meetings are popular among many in drug and alcohol addiction recovery.  As of 2016, there are over 2 million in the US attending AA ( Alcoholic Anonymous ) meetings. This is a far cry from the Big Book’s original title “Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered from Alcoholism.” The brotherhood has grown and assisted many in their life-long journey.

Drug rehabilitation centers and addiction recovery organizations play a vital role in recovery for many individuals. They have a moral and ethical obligation to guide individuals along their journey. With the current heroin epidemic, prescription drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation programs West Palm Beach are more popular than ever. Many are suffering from over prescription causing an alarming overdose rate. According to NIDA, as of 2018, we are losing 115 per day to prescription drug misuse. We hope you will use our list of the best Alcoholics Anonymous AA meetings West Palm Beach and explore these recovery meetings.

Why is 90 in 90 Important? 

The best AA meetings West palm beach options utilize 90 in 90. We recently sat down with Agape Treatment center drug rehabs West Palm Beach. Here is what they told us.

The first couple of weeks after stopping the use of drugs or alcohol can be the hardest. Addiction treatment centers assist during this time, however if an individual is in a typical PHP, IOP, or substance abuse out-patient program there is a lot of unsupervised time. It is critical for individuals to surround themselves with others dedicated to drug or alcohol addiction recovery to prevent relapse. In addition, many newcomers are overwhelmed and confused seeking direction and guidance, and sponsors and others with solid recovery time are an invaluable resource.

AA and 12-step programs provide guidance as well as assist patients in getting acquainted with their new life-long journey. 12-step based addiction treatment rehabilitation centers incorporate alcoholics anonymous. These programs whether from drug rehabs San Diego to Oceanview, California the message is exactly the same. They lay the foundation usually during or after patients have been educated by drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers or detox facilities. The one meeting per day for 90-days keeps individuals in early recovery focused and surrounded by others that are willing to assist the patient in any way to help them fight this national epidemic. The 90 in 90 days helps fill the free time that is no longer devoted to drug use or drinking alcohol and helps surround patients with positive influences. It also gives individuals in early recovery a sense of steady accomplishment, further their sobriety. This is why we added this to our list of the Best Alcoholics Anonymous AA Meetings West Palm Beach.

The brotherhood of alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous is vital due to the chemical changes that have occurred in the brains of individuals suffering from addiction. Their brains’ “reward centers” are drastically altered making it extremely difficult to experience any natural happiness or even function normally. These brain changes necessitate near-constant support and guidance to overcome the strong urges to use drugs or alcohol. These 90 days is a critical time for the brain to begin to adjust and allow patients to start thinking clearly and without the presence of drugs or alcohol.

Why Continuing with Meetings is Critical?

The best AA meeting West Palm Beach options stay focused on a continuum. Continuing with regular meetings after the initial 90 days not only helps those in recovery stay committed, but it also makes them want to help others along their difficult journey. They now have a network of individuals in AA or NA that have the same purpose, and new friendships with a positive peer group have been built. These ongoing meetings help patients stay strong, motivated, and committed to long-term recovery.

This is where the strong brotherhood of AA and NA plays a vital role. Individuals continue to grow and learn from the group and sponsors sharing their experiences, strengths and hope. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous continually remind those in addiction recovery that this is now a life-long journey, and that they are also just one poor choice or weak moment away from starting all over again. These groups provide a lifeline with many individuals always willing to help in any way possible.  They provide stability and reinforce healthy coping skills for when real life comes back and presents problems or situations that would have formerly been dealt with by the use of alcohol or drugs. The brotherhood is a life-long support mechanism to stay on the right path.

Best Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Playing a big Role

West Palm Beach has set the pace across the nation on dealing with patient brokering and other illicit activities all too common in the addiction treatment community. New laws that were passed on July 1, 2018 have positively affected patients seeking drug and alcohol addiction recovery and help ensure that treatment providers are operating ethically and with the patients’ best interests at heart. With its sunny climate and warm weather, Florida is a nationwide destination for addiction treatment, with many initially arriving to get sober but ending up relocating here permanently. This has helped South Florida develop some of the nation’s very best 12 step meetings.

Along with the notorious reputation of attracting many with addiction issues, West Palm Beach has some of the best resources that foster drug and alcohol addiction recovery. Most individuals entering or in recovery need to be continually active in AA by attending meetings and reinforcing the 12 steps in the “Big Book.” AA meetings help prevent relapse, provide a connection to others in recovery, reduce isolation, and reinforce the faith of a higher power. AA is a critical piece of maintaining recovery for many patients and South Florida is fortunate to offer some of our country’s best AA meetings and resources to help fight the addiction epidemic.

What Are the Top 10 Best AA Meetings West Palm Beach Options?

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The Triangle Club

1369 Okeechobee Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

The Triangle Club is #1 on our list of the best AA meetings West Palm Beach. They are extremely popular in Palm Beach County with the recovery community. They offer group meetings on different days of the week depending on which group you choose to join. The triangle club offers three spaces for meetings. A small space costs about $70 per month, a medium space $115 a month and a large space for $145 per month. To join the club meeting, you will need to download and complete an application form, and give/send it to the Club manager. This Club offers 12 sessions for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts. Some of their meetings include:

Good morning group, Monday-Sunday at 7am

Promises under the Pergola, Monday at 7pm

Bunch Brunch Group, Monday-Sunday at noon

Day’s End group

Women Seeking the Truth is one of the AA meetings West Palm Beach options for women.

Monday night Men’s group

Serenity Ladies Group – This one is second on the best AA meetings West Palm Beach for women.

Central Group

Back to Basics Big Book Study

Palm Beach County Inter-Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

1371 Okeechobee Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

The Palm Beach Country Inter-group of Alcoholics Anonymous is #2 on our list of the Best  AA Meetings West Palm Beach. Their purpose is to serve their associated groups in carrying the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic according to the principles of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts of AA, always remembering that common welfare comes first. They are available 24/7 and help associated groups in educating on AA. They focus on the message and principles of the 12 steps for individuals suffering from addiction.

Institutions Committee

The Triangle is still unquestionably the best AA meetings West Palm Beach option. Meets on the First Sunday of every month at the Triangle Club at 1369 Okeechobee Road, West Palm Beach. For those interested in becoming involved, there is a mandatory orientation at 4:30 p.m. in Serenity room, which precedes our general meeting at 5:00 p.m. The Institutions Committee is always looking for volunteers. Join us! This is a great way to pass it on.


Meets at 6:15 pm on the Second Wednesday of every month at the Intergroup Office, 1371 Okeechobee Rd., West Palm Beach. Visitors are welcome. For more information please call the Intergroup Office at 655-5700.

District 8 General Service

Meets at the Triangle Club (1369 Okeechobee Rd., WPB) on the second Sunday this month @ 4:00 p.m. Visitors are welcome. For more information please go to www.district8area15aa.com or call the Intergroup Office at 655-5700.

The Meeting Place

655 N Military Trail #4
West Palm Beach, Florida 33415

While this is a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, it still makes our best AA meetings West Palm Beach list. This is an NA support group with meeting across the Palm Coast Area now has 113 Meetings per Week. This group offers meetings every day for AA members and NA members. Some of its groups include Beyond Relief, Twisted sisters – for women, A vision for Recovery, Step Study Meeting, and Somewhere to Turn. All of its meetings are held in the evening, giving participants plenty of time after work or other commitments.

Easy Does It Club

2677 Forest Hill Blvd #108
West Palm Beach, Florida 33406

This club offers some of the best AA meetings West Palm Beach options and the most AA meetings you will find in South Florida. It offers meetings every day at varying times to fit your schedule. Every week, it offers up to 17 classes for AA and drug addiction participants.


  • 7:00 am Day Openers
  • 7:00 am Sunrise Sobriety
  • 10:00 am Sober on Sunday Group
  • Noon High Noon Group
  • 6:00 pm Living Sober Group
  • 7:00 pm Depth & Weight
  • 8:30 pm Leaves of Gold Group


  • 7:00 am Day Openers
  • Noon High Noon Group
  • 6:00 pm Happy Hour Group
  • 6:00 pm Just For Today
  • 8:30 pm Monday Night Raw


  • 7:00 am Day Openers
  • Noon High Noon Group
  • 5:30 pm Promises, Promises Group (Women)
  • 6:00 pm Happy Hour Group
  • 8:30 pm 909 Group


  • 7:00 am Day Openers
  • Noon High Noon Group
  • 6:00 pm Happy Hour Group
  • 8:30 pm Hump Day Home Group


  • 7:00 am Day Openers
  • Noon High Noon Group
  • 6:00 pm Happy Hour Group
  • 8:30 pm Design For Living


  • 7:00 am Day Openers
  • Noon High Noon Group
  • 6:00 pm Easy Does It Club (Small Room) Fridays at 6:00 PM
  • 6:00 pm Happy Hour Group
  • 8:30 pm 909 Group
  • 8:30 pm Gentlemen’s Club (Mens)

Saturday group is on our list of the best AA meetings West Palm Beach because its’ for starters.

  • 7:00 am Day Openers
  • 10:00 am Getting Started Group (Beginner)
  • Noon High Noon Group
  • 6:00 pm Sobriety & Thunder
  • 8:30 pm Serenity on Saturday

Holy Spirit Episcopal

Church 1003 Allendale Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 33405

This is an AA and NA meeting that occurs every Friday at 7 pm and is one of the best AA meetings West Palm Beach options. The group calls itself the West Side Group. The motto that guides this group is “A Warm Welcome Awaits You!” and “Descending Dove – Unending Love.” The Holy Spirit Episcopal Church has a rich history, having been founded in 1952 to serve the young families who were moving to the area.


  • 8:00 pm NA Meetings in West Palm Beach, Florida on Monday – Holy Spirit Episcopal Church The Lie is Dead


  • 6:30 pm NA Meetings in West Palm Beach, Florida on Thursday – Holy Spirit Episcopal Church Early Bird Meeting of NA


  • 6:30 pm NA Meetings in West Palm Beach, Florida on Friday – Holy Spirit Episcopal Church Hospitals & Institutions Subcommittee


  • 6:30 pm NA Meetings in West Palm Beach, Florida on Saturday – Holy Spirit Episcopal Church Saturday Step Group

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church – Best AA Meetings West Palm Beach

211 Trinity Place
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

This church offers Meetings every Monday at 7 pm with a group called Seagull Cottage Group. This group rates in our best AA meetings West Palm Beach. It is held on Wednesday’s at 8:00 pm is their living on a prayer group and on Friday at 8:30 pm, there is the Free group for people who are LBGTQ+

Mary Immaculate Church

390 South Sequoia Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33409

This Roman Catholic Church offers some of the best AA meetings West Palm Beach every Wednesday at 7 pm. The group name is Friends of Bill W. Group. The Church can be traced back to May 1974 and has a rich history. Mary Immaculate Church has 1 Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) meeting each week.

  • Wednesdays 7 pm

Church of the Glades

127 S Main Street
Lake Worth Florida 33460

We added this to our list of the best AA meetings West Palm Beach because it is one of Lake Wroth Florida’s most popular AA meetings. The church features outstanding audio and visual special effects that captivate the audience. They meet every day Monday through Saturday.


  • 7:00 am Eye Openers Group (park in back)


  • 7:00 am Eye Openers Group (park in back)
  • 7:30 pm Lake Worth Big Book Step Study


  • 7:00 am Eye Openers Group (park in back)
  • 5:30 pm Good Housekeeping


  • 7:00 am Eye Openers Group (park in back)


  • 7:00 am Eye Openers Group (park in back)


  • 7:00 am Eye Openers Group (park in back)

Fern House

1958 Church Street
West Palm Beach, Florida 33409

This is one of West Palm’s favorite meeting places for individuals in recovery. That is why it’s in our list of the best AA meetings West Palm Beach. They meet 7 days a week. This group provides male alcoholics and drug addicts with a safe, supportive and drug and alcohol-free residency. Participants are guided to develop life skills that will enable them to lead productive lives while sober. Some Meetings are only for current residents of the program, but there are also open Smoke-Free Sobriety Meetings.


  • 12:00 pm – Smoke-Free Sobriety Meeting of AA (Open meeting)
  • 8:30 pm – Triangle Club Men’s Group


  • 12:00 pm Smoke-Free Sobriety Meeting of AA (Open meeting)
  • 7:00 pm – Relapse Prevention / Sponsor Family Night


  • 12:00 pm Smoke-Free Sobriety Meeting of AA (Open meeting)
  • 7:00 pm – Big Book Step Study Workshop


  • 12:00 pm Smoke-Free Sobriety Meeting of AA (Open meeting)
  • 7:00 pm – Spirituality Group
  • 7:00 pm – Alumni/Re-Admit Support Group
  • 8:30 pm – AA- Fern Street Group of Alcoholics Anonymous (Open)


  • 12:00 pm Smoke-Free Sobriety Meeting of AA (Open meeting)
  • 7:00 pm – NA- Positive Flow Group of Narcotics Anonymous (Open)


  • 12:00 pm Smoke-Free Sobriety Meeting of AA (Open meeting)
  • 7:00 pm – Sober Outings


  • 9:00 am – Non-Denominational Chapel Services – (Open)
  • 7:00 pm – AA- Owls Nest Group of Alcoholics Anonymous (Open)


1711 Worthington Road #107
West Palm Beach, Florida 33409

Bookmark the Best AA Meetings West Palm Beach

We hope that this is a good reference guide on our Top 10 Best AA Meetings West Palm Beach. As with all Alcoholics Anonymous meetings everyone is welcome. We encourage all to attend a meeting at these places or any AA meeting. These are just 10 of the best Drug and alcohol treatment 12 step meetings available in West Palm Beach Florida. Palm Beach County is the home of many AA meetings. It is a popular destination for addiction recovery. South Florida offers an abundance of recovery options. Attend a meeting today for yourself or to help others.