Category Archives: Sober Living

Sober Homes West Palm Beach May Not Need FARR Certification

Sober Homes West Palm Beach Is FARR Mandatory Update

What;s the Confusion with Sober Homes West Palm Beach, Florida?

Sober homes West Palm Beach and drug addiction treatment centers were confused about the controversial requirements for day/night community providers. Is FARR certification mandatory or not? We now know the answer. We are also providing information on where this ruling is going and what it means to addiction treatment center’s future.

Sober Homes West Palm Beach Regulation Controversy

The controversy was fueled by the new questionable laws that were passed and by random, misleading emails from organizations within the drug and alcohol addiction treatment industry. There have even been personal derogatory remarks and biased opinions omitting facts for personal interest. Such remarks only demonstrate poor professionalism and poor character.

Behavioral Health Network Resources stance is not to interpret either side, but to provide quality information from credible sources. We felt it was our responsibility to educate providers on regulation for sober homes in West Palm Beach to help the understand this controversial matter. We even invited Florida Healthcare Law Firm as our guest at the Addiction Ethical Marketing Practices conference held on 6/27/18. At that conference, Florida Healthcare Law Firm took what turns out to be a highly respected stance against the law and DCF.

Are Sober Livings and Sober Homes in West Palm Beach Required to be FARR Certified?

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Is FARR Mandatory UpdateHalfway houses, sober homes in West Palm Beach, drug addiction treatment centers have been under great scrutiny for over a year. The Sober Homes Task Force has brought regulations and investigations. The main focus has been to help protect the vulnerable using legal prosecution, heavy fines, felony charges and jail time.

Although they have been quite they are investigating body brokering and building cases. In addition, Even with all the new laws and regulations, there are still some gray areas. One of these gray areas is whether sober homes providing day and night treatment in the West Palm Beach area are required by law to have FARR certification. Congress is investigating 8 drug rehab call centers and demanding documentation on how they have been operating. Congress sent these drug rehab call centers letters requesting detailed and in-depth answers to ten questions.

Drug Rehabs Should Seek Legal Counsel on Sober Homes Regulation and Patient Brokering

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Is FARR Mandatory UpdateInterpretation of any law should be made by a specialized attorney especially concerning sober homes in West Palm Beach. Relying on second-hand information or information from your peers could cost you dearly. In light of the misinformed emails, we decided to speak with Florida Healthcare Law Firm, a popular panelist at Behavioral Health Network Resources Ethical Marketing Practices conferences. This what they had to say prior to 6/27/18;

We filed a petition for a declaratory statement on behalf of a drug addiction treatment centerand day/night community housing client concerning sober homes West Palm Beach to get a declaratory statement from DCF in one direction or the other and it has NOT been resolved yet.

Drug Addiction Treatment Centers Fight

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Is FARR Mandatory UpdateThis is only one piece of the drug rehabs West Palm Beach laws. When asked about why Amethyst drug addiction treatment center filed for clarification, Pamela Springer, Chief Operating Officer with Amethyst Recovery Center stated, “Amethyst supports FARR’s mission and the State of Florida’s requirement for recovery residence certification. However, thus far, DCF has indicated to Amethyst Recovery Center that it does not require FARR certification for licensed community housing.  FARR has stated to us and other providers that Day and Night treatment with community housing must obtain FARR certification or they will be in violation of the law.  This is the reason we sought clarification from DCF.”

Day and night treatment providers with community housing may make referrals for individuals who have completed inpatient treatment, requiring them to step down to an outpatient provider. Many times, clients desire to live in a recovery residence to maintain their sobriety.   In that case, it would be appropriate for the Day and Night Treatment Provider to refer to a FARR-certified recovery residence. Now, California drug rehabs are experiencing the same problems with new patient brokering laws. They will also have to deal with sober homes regulation late in 2019 when those laws are passed.

Are Insurance Companies Involved with the Confusion of Halfway Houses and Drug Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach?

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Is FARR Mandatory UpdateThat much is clear. What is less clear for sober homes West Palm Beach and drug rehabilitation centers is whether the FARR position will be used as another way for insurers to drive providers out of business.  The sober homes regulation is just one piece of the many business changes for operators. Patient brokering is costing ethical operators to close because they are playing by the rule, unlike the brokers.

One of the things the addiction treatment industry has seen a lot of in recent years is insurance companies using allegations of regulatory non-compliance as a method of red flagging, auditing and refusing to pay (and recouping payments) for addiction treatment.  Is this latest complication in the addiction treatment industry an opportunity for insurers to do the same thing?  Is it reasonable to expect that large insurer that covers much of a provider’s operating costs will use the alleged FARR certification as a basis for jamming up their cash flow and squeezing operations? 

If history teaches anything, it’s to learn from it.  The addiction treatment industry can’t afford to sit idly by and watch.  Uniform application of the law is essential to avoid unfair, unreasonable and unintended results.  Contact us to find out how to join and make your voice heard.

Are Sober Livings and Sober Homes West Palm Beach Required to be FARR Certified or Not?

No, sober livings, halfway houses and sober homes in West Palm Beach are not required to have FARR certification. A provider for day or night treatment with community housing is not required to have FARR voluntary certification.

In a declaratory statement filed 8/21/18, a provider for day or night treatment with community housing is not required to comply with the voluntary certification requirements outlined in sections 397.487 and 397.4871, F.S. in order to operate the community housing portion of its license. The standards for this licensing component are found in Rule 65D-30-0081, F.A.C. Done and Ordered at Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 21st day of August 2018.

Attorneys from the Florida Healthcare Law Firm are passionate and highly respected in the behavioral healthcare field. They held a live call, on June 26, 2018, to present an urgently needed update regarding FARR certification. They provided unbias and responsible information concerning the critical confusion. You can contact Autumn Piccolo at 561.455.7700 x112 for any behavioral healthcare legal issues.

Florida Healthcare Law Firms Commitment to Educate at Addiction Conferences

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Is FARR Mandatory UpdateWe invited Florida Healthcare Law Firm to speak at our addiction conference on June 27, 2108, in the sober homes in West Palm Beach FARR controversy. They took a highly respected stance to clarify the FARR controversy in front of our 150+ attendees. They have accepted our invitation to our addiction conferences EMP Series events on 10/23/18. They will be updating on the new ruling and educating CEO’s and executives on where this ruling will be taking our industry in the coming months.

This addiction conference is on business and drug rehab SEO marketing practices, Our 5 executive thought leader panelists will be educating on;

  • how to drive revenue per admission through superior utilization review and add 20-30% straight to your bottom line.
  • using in-network contracts strategically to broaden your referral base and fill empty beds.
  • getting paid in 14 days for substance abuse billing
  • Google September 2018 speed update
  • drug rehab SEO (Digital Darwinism)
  • Legit Script the most expensive marketing strategy
  • branding; It’s not advertising
  • Social media marketing; controlling Your staff’s posts

If you would like to participate give Charles Davis at call at 561-235-6195.

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Is FARR Mandatory Update

Sober Homes West Palm Beach FARR staying Updated

Sober homes West Palm Beach updates are critical for many addiction treatment centers, inpatient rehabs, and sober homes. The new ruling is changing the path of regulation in the drug rehabilitation industry. Operators need clearly defined laws in order to be able to provide much-needed services. We will continuously be updating the highly viewed post (bookmark this page) and providing information at our addiction conferences.

Patient Brokering in relationship to sober homes West Palm Beach Florida

Sober Homes West Palm Beach Top 5 Criteria

How to Find the Best Sober Homes in West Palm Beach Florida?

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Top 5 Criteria

Best sober homes West Palm Beach top 5 criteria for is important because sober homes are under the new drug addiction treatment centers laws fighting patient brokering. They are helping to weed out bad operators, however, it is still important to be aware of criteria when seeking sober homes or sober livings. At the same time, there are 5 Legal Things Addiction Professionals Must Know in order not to have serious legal issues. These 5 things do not have a boundary that is only in Florida. Anyone who is referring to Florida from another state faces the same charges as if they were in Florida.

Sober Livings and sober homes play a critical role in the recovery process. Individuals that decide to drive the road to recovery encounter may detours and obstacles that can sidetrack their recovery. While there are many choices of sober homes West Palm Beach, Florida, you’ll want to make sure the recovery residence or sober home you choose offers the highest level of care, qualities, features that foster total support for your recovery success and are not operating unethically.

Sober Homes West Palm Beach Recommendations 

Below are the “Top Five Criteria Sober Homes West Palm Beach” when picking sober homes or halfway houses in West Palm Beach, Florida. However, the recommendation to contact the following organizations will help reduce the risks of being in the wrong hands and life-threatening situations. There are three very important organizations that one should contact or meet while in the process of picking sober livings, sober homes or halfway houses. These organizations are; Florida State Attorney Sober Home Task Force, Palm Beach County Substance Awareness Coalition (PBCSAC) and Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR).

Get to Know Sober Homes Task Force, FARR, and PBCSAC

The PBCSAC is a collection of ethical treatment centers, government organizations and individuals setting the framework protecting against patient brokering and better treatment for the addiction treatment industry. This organization has many ethical centers, meets every Tuesday from 9:30 am – 12 Noon at 2300 High Ridge Rd, Boynton Beach, FL. (close to West Palm Beach) and you can contact them at 561-374-7627.

FARR, located in the West Palm Beach area is an organization that holds sober livings, sober homes and halfway houses at a higher level. They are extremely concerned about patient brokering and high-quality care. They have intense and strict guidelines that sober homes West Palm Beach or sober livings must produce and maintain to have FARR certification. FARR works closely with lawmakers fighting for regulation of sober livings, sober homes and halfway houses protecting the many that need sober living in West Palm Beach. However, there was some controversy over the new laws whether the sober homes in West Palm Beach must be FARR certified or not. You can read the signed declaratory statement filed 8/21/18,

Sober Homes; Be Aware of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach

When searching on Google sober homes West Palm Beach, or being recommended to a sober living by a treatment center, or individual, you must be careful and cautious before making the decision. These new laws pertain to addiction treatment centers in West Palm Beach. Unfortunately, there are unethical players out there preying on many addicts that are vulnerable, scared and clueless to what is actually happening by letting these scumbags placing them in sober livings, halfway houses or drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers. These situations are serious enough that law enforcement by the Florida Asst. State Attorney, Dave Aronberg have been prosecuting (felonies with long jail sentences) dozens, fighting for addicts and individuals seeking help.

The State Attorney’s sober homes West Palm Beach task force has concentrated on protecting against patient brokering. They are responsible for new operational and drug rehab marketing laws for sober homes and drug addiction treatment centers to help protect the vulnerable when seeking treatment. There are five critical and legal aspects all addiction professionals and individuals seeking treatment need to know. The patient brokers may, or may not know the legal requirements.

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Top 5 Criteria

Sober Livings West Palm Beach

These individuals have back-room deals with addiction treatment centers, or several drug rehab centers brokering addicts for $500-$2,500 ahead. The addiction treatment centers can gain anywhere from $10,000 – $100,000’s of dollars on a single patient.  They have deals with many sober homes and sober livings to body broker individuals into shady addiction treatment situations. This is the main reason for this article “Top 5 Criteria Sober Homes West Palm Beach.” If you are ever offered money to go into any sober homes, you need to report them to the Sober Homes Task Force toll-free tip line at 844-324-5463 and get far away from that individual and centers associated with them.

Anything Free When Seeking Sober Homes West Palm Beach Means Danger

Be afraid when seeking sober homes West Palm Beach if they offer anything free. Firstly, it’s against the law. While this seems to be a great opportunity to get some much-needed cash, they are placing you in the hands of people that do not care about you, your treatment, your future, or regards to your life. They will talk a great game, be your best friend, connect with you sharing their recovery story, pose as a recovery advocate and make you feel like they can help.

However, they only care about the personal monetary gain from placing you and how they can manipulate the insurance to continue to pay for treatment. These entities have been known to allow drug and alcohol use, entice relapse so you go back to a higher level of care, extortion and use tactics to keep you in their hands. It is vital to be aware of this when seeking sober homes.

These situations will put you at high risk for relapse, homelessness and death.

There is much confusion for the sober homes West Palm Beach operators over the laws regarding the regulation of recovery residences. Many operators do not clearly understand what is required from the loosely written regulation with several “loopholes.” These new changes have put much-needed regulation in place to fight the vast, national underground network of patient brokers. When you are online typing in sober homes west palm, it would be wise to also call the organizations below to help you make the best possible decision on finding a residence that is safe and fits your individual needs.

The Florida Shuffle is Happening All Across the US

The corruption and unethical practices with addiction treatment centers, sober livings, and addiction recovery centers are widespread, and nationwide. These unethical entities are doing patient brokering, illegal drug testing, enticing to use, and shuffling patients from one center to another to name a few.

Due to the irresponsible media, isolating Florida, this is known as the Florida shuffle. Patient brokering is happening all across the US with Florida only accounting for $1 billion dollars of revenue of the $35 billion dollars a year industry. However, it must be said the new Florida model is setting the precedence with the laws that were put into place July 1, 2017. Many other states are now adopting the same laws.

Addiction Conferences on Ethical Business and Marketing

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Top 5 CriteriaBehavioral Health Network Resources has held addiction conferences to help educate on the best sober homes West Palm Beach options. addresses critical business and marketing issues. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers and sober livings can learn proven and ethical strategies providing long-term solutions. Get educated on the long-term problem of maintaining a healthy census at Behavioral Health Network Resources addiction conferences. We are working on future events in Florida, Tennessee, and California. If you would like to partner on these conferences, get more information, sponsor, or exhibit please contact our CEO, Charles Davis at

Finding the Best Sober Homes West Palm Beach

There is a lot of things to know when seeking the best sober homes West Palm Beach options. When you decide to get clean and sober you need to have the best possible level of care in addiction treatment and in a sober home. You are setting up the foundation for your life-long journey of sobriety. When you first decide to start your recovery journey, you are scared, confused and overwhelmed. You must have the confidence that your addiction treatment center and sober home choices give you the necessary tools, the highest quality of treatment and assists in your recovery process.

Once you are in the treatment of a well-qualified drug and alcohol addiction treatment center that fits your individual needs, you will be basically inside a bubble and exposed to that facilities best options for your treatment plan. While you are in treatment you need to start planning for your second phase which is sober living. Be careful when searching on the web for sober homes West Palm Beach.

Finding the Best Sober Homes West Palm Beach

The choices will be overwhelming and some treatment centers will bait you with ‘FREE Rent” (this is illegal), free airfare or force you to a facility they recommend. If that facility is shady it is usually owned by the treatment center as an LLC, or DBA, or receiving a kickback from the sober living facility. This is considered patient brokering and is illegal.

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Top 5 Criteria

Ethical new start-ups drug rehabs Fort Lauderdale, Florida are following all the new laws. There substance abuse treatment content on inpatient and alcohol detox is extremely good. Their sober homes are used by some individuals from Tallahassee, Florida. Recovery Bay has spared no expense in providing the best addiction treatment professionals in the United States. From their experienced Doctors to their credentialed substance abuse counselors this is one of the safest facilities for rehabilitation.

Sober homes West Palm Beach facilities are needed to provide a supporting and pro-active healthy transition, allowing you to leave the safety of rehab and enter a less-restrictive living environment while maintaining a focus on recovery. Residents enjoy a less structured atmosphere while developing the tools and skills to sustain sobriety in the “real world.”

Top 5 Criteria Sober Homes West Palm Beach

While there are many sober living facilities in Florida, especially sober homes West Palm Beach, you need to make sure the home you choose offers the highest level of care, qualities, and features that support recovery. You should never commit to living at a sober living home without visiting and talking with the owners and residents.

#1 Pick a FARR Certified Residence Like Edna’s Sober Homes West Palm Beach

%Drug Rehab SEO Sober Homes West Palm Beach Top 5 Criteria

Picking a FARR certified residence is one of the best possible choices. This is because they are regulated with the highest standards currently available for sober homes. One of the best is Edna’s Sober Homes West Palm Beach, Florida. Searching for recovery residences like this is very important.

This is a critical decision that affects your recovery. You are faced with an overwhelming amount of decisions each day; many affect your sobriety. You need to know the sober living or halfway house has a proven structure to assist and support recovery. That’s why it’s so important to find a sober living home that implements a higher level of care. It should also implement rules and regulations, such as mandated curfews and a zero-tolerance drug-free environment.

#2 Safety

Being in a safe environment is an absolute necessity. Look for things like; 24/7 staff, if the entire staff is trained in CPR, do they have an emergency kit in case of an overdose and is there a protocol for emergencies. What steps and measures do they have to absolutely make sure there are no drugs or alcohol on the premises? Is there a zero tolerance for possession and use of alcohol and drugs? Check out and speak to the people currently living in a sober living facility. Ask them about the technology and safety measures used by the facility.

#3 Connecting Atmosphere

The camaraderie, atmosphere, mood, energy, and vibe at the sober living house with its current residents are very important. During your tour ask to speak with the current residents, they will be valuable in your decision to pick the right place for you. What types of activities are there to help you develop new skills, assistance with job search, life skills, better-eating habits, health, and fitness. Make sure you feel a positive vibe, your gut will tell you if it is the right place for you.

#4 The Best Sober Homes West Palm Beach Supports and Assists Recovery

A solid support system is crucial for anyone in recovery. 12 step recovery is not for everyone, however, the sober living should have other options on and off the property in a place like; relapse prevention, AA, NA, and counseling to assist you in recovery. When evaluating a sober living support team, it’s important to find a staff that truly cares about you and your success, but you also want a staff that’s unafraid to enforce necessary rules and regulations.

Everyone’s recovery path is different and at proceeds at different paces, however, individualized recovery plans are essential for staying sober. The employees should be professional and be there to keep you on the road to recovery. They should be encouraging 12 steps, AA, NA meetings or a support system that fosters sobriety. There should also be some sort of drug testing policy in effect.

#5 Take Responsibility; Own It

Remember, you must own your sobriety. That means that you may not always like following rules and regulations like curfew, structured events, meetings, etc. You must be willing to do the difficult things to maintain sobriety. The sober living home should challenge you to be able to take steps to be fully functional on your own.

You can be confident that if the sober living is certified by FARR that the above are addressed completely by the sober living facility.

How to Find the Best Sober Homes West Palm Beach Options

In Florida, finding the best sober homes West Palm Beach options is no easy task. For many people, the most difficult aspect of an addiction recovery program is remaining clean and sober after the inpatient program ends. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 40 to 60 percent of drug addicts revert to drug abuse after rehab. For some drugs, the statistics are even more grim, with relapse rates for drugs such as opiates approaching 85 percent in some studies.

The reasons for this vary, but the most common factor is the lack of preparation for the outside world. Recovering addicts are caught off guard by triggers from which they were protected during treatment, such as drug-abusing friends, old party hangouts and the stress of everyday life.

The purpose of this article “Top Five Criteria Sober Homes West Palm Beach” is to make you aware of some things to look for when seeking a sober living. The more research you do on sober homes West Palm Beach, the better your chances of finding an ethical recovery residence. It would be wise to contact the Sober Homes Task Force, FARR, or the PBCSAC to vet any sober homes.

We’d love to hear what you have to say about patient brokering, leave a remark below.

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FACEBOOK Addiction Professional Referral Group 19,500 Members (1,200 pending approval)

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Top 60 Addiction Treatment Social Media Groups

Where Are the Best Addiction Treatment Groups on the Web?

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 60 Addiction Treatment Social Media GroupsThe top 60 addiction treatment social media groups are valuable to many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers. It is also valuable to the many seeking addiction treatment. Addiction professional networking and addiction treatment center marketing are extremely difficult when bringing together professionals with those seeking information on addiction treatment. To make it easier for drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers, addiction professionalsbehavioral health professionals, industry sales and service organizations, and individuals seeking information on treatment here is a list of the top 60 addiction professional and behavioral health groups on the web to join.

Why the Top 60 Addiction Treatment Groups Are Necessary?

They have a mix of individuals seeking addiction treatment and addiction professionals. These groups were formed by one of LinkedIn’s most visible drug rehab marketing consultants. These groups foster resources on drug and alcohol addiction treatment with many of the nation’s most ethical addiction professionals. These groups have over 200,000 addiction professionals, behavioral health professionals, and individuals seeking treatment. Tap into one of the largest addiction industry audiences in the nation.

Meeting and fostering new relationships is important in our industry. As equally important is getting educated on the business and marketing side of the addiction treatment industry. Behavioral Health Network Resources has been providing this type of education for the last four years at our addiction conferences. These conferences attract 150-200 attendees, 15-20 exhibitors and feature 5 Executive Thought Leaders. The forum is in a talk show host/town hall forum.

What are the Top 60 (Updated) Addiction Treatment Social Media Groups

  1. Addiction Professional Referral Group 14,500 Members. One of Facebook’s most active addiction groups, highly monitored over 7000 banned.
  2. Addiction Professional Referral Group 14,000 Members
  3. Addiction and Behavioral Health Marketing 726 Members
  4. Addiction Behavioral Health CEO Round Table 733 Members
  5. Executive Drug and Alcohol Treatment 900 Members
  6. South Florida Addiction Connection 1,800 Members
  7. Addiction and Behavioral Health Events 1,100 Members
  8. Addiction conferences Behavioral Health Networking Events  1,300 Members
  9. Generation “X” Addiction Unleashed 9,300 Members
  10. South Florida Addiction Connection 2,100 South Florida Members
  11. Addiction Treatment Industry Top 100 6,500 Members
  12. Facebook South Florida Recovery Community 6,400 Members
  13. Addiction and Behavioral Health Options 3,100 Members
  14. Screaming Sobriety 2,300 Members
  15. Understanding the Heroin Epidemic 400 Members
  16. The Business Side of Addiction 2,300 Members
  17. Addiction and Behavioral Health South Florida 1,900 Members
  18. California Addiction and Behavioral Health 500 Members
  19. South Florida Connection Addiction and Behavioral Health 9,600 Members
  20. Sober Homes West Palm Beach, Florida 1,100 Members
  21. Addiction Rescue; Help Before It’s Too Late 5,900 Members
  22. Recovery From Within 2,000 Members
  23. Addressing PTSD 1,800 Members
  24. Breaking the Cycle𝒆 1,000 Members
  25. Recovery in Behavioral Health and Addictions 1,411 Members
  26. Behavioral Health Treatment Options 312 Members
  27. Addiction Related Clinical Director Forum 221 Members
  28. Addiction and Behavioral Health Job Seekers 1,100 Members
  29. Addiction Behavioral Health Counselor Coffee Talk 264 Members
  30. LinkedIn Addiction and Behavioral Health Lifestyle 942 Members
  31. Facebook Caring for Children of Addicted Parents 1,100 Members
  32. Facebook Gratitude
  33. Facebook Recovery From Within 2,000 Members
  34. Facebook Behavioral Health Addiction Therapy, counseling and More
  35. Facebook Understanding the Heroin Epidemic
  36. Suboxone/Buprenorphine Treatment and Support Detox/Maintenance
  37. RSD/CRPS and Neuropathic Pain Syndrome
  38. Women With Rheumatoid, Psoriatic Arthritis
  39. Lyme Disease, Multiple Sclerosis
  40. Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D.) Recovery
  42. Codependency, Adult Children Of Alcoholics, and Alanon and Alateen
  43. Women With FIBRO/CFS/ME
  44. Detox
  45. Brain Fog
  46. Opioid Addiction and Recovery
  47. Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Support
  48. STIGMA of Drug or Opioid Use
  49. Chronic Pain Treatment
  50. Hidden/Invisible (to others) Illnesses
  51. Recovery
  52. Recovery Restoration
  53. Harm Reduction Discussions
  54. Addicted To Painkillers
  57. Cannabis Assisted (Advised) Treatment (CAT) (BUDTENDER)
  58. Butrans / Buprenorphine Treatment for Pain Management
  59. Zubsolv Buprenorphine
  60. Suboxone Directory
  61. Bunavail Buprenorphine Treatment 

    Visit Behavioral Health Network Resources Social Profiles

    1. LinkedIn Business Page for Behavioral Health Network Resources 7,700 Followers
    2. Facebook Business Page for Behavioral Health Network Resources  7,300 Followers
    3. Twitter Business Page for Behavioral Health Network Resources 2,000 Followers

Get Connected Beyond the Top 60 Addiction Treatment Social Media Groups

This is a special invitation to join one of the nation’s largest networks of Addiction Treatment and Behavioral Health professionals on LinkedIn. We connect addiction treatment professionals, addiction-related sales/service organizations, and individuals seeking addiction treatment information in many ways. Learn about our addiction professional group members and start participating.

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 60 Addiction Treatment Social Media Groups

LinkedIn Behavioral Health Network Resources Business Page

Connect with us on LinkedIn and get plugged into our 30,000-addiction professional level one connections on LinkedIn to; network, sharing content, get insider business intelligence, and addiction treatment marketing information. Get educated in our industry with help increasing your treatment lead generation, search engine optimization (gaining traffic to your website,) rehab marketing ideas, share blogs, finding well-qualified candidates, finding a job, increasing traffic to your LinkedIn Business page, buying or selling a treatment center, LinkedIn Training, branding yourself or organization, marketing your treatment center, and much more.

LinkedIn drug rehab marketing network consists of;
– Over 30,000 Level one LinkedIn Addiction Treatment and Behavioral Health Professional Level one connections
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We are addiction treatment and behavioral health consultants, addiction treatment center marketing specialists, and industry social media specialists. We work with Addiction and behavioral health providers, sales and service organizations, existing centers and start-ups improving revenue and ROI. We have one of the industry’s largest social media footprints and offer services reaching millions of professionals and individuals seeking treatment nationwide, and we also can grow your audience on LinkedIn, Facebook, G+, Twitter, and your professional email database.

90-day Drug Rehab SEO Package That Delivers

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 60 Addiction Treatment Social Media GroupsOur-90-day  drug rehab SEO marketing package instantly plug you into our large national audience and unlike other marketing companies grows your own audience that is yours to keep. We also specialize in addiction treatment marketing for ancillary sales and service organizations tapping them instantly into to our large addiction professional audiences on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and our addiction professional email database with 40,000 active professionals.

You can also check out our ancillary services marketing package for addiction treatment sales and service organization. This gets you in front of our 6,500 addiction professional visitors per month, exposure on our rehab vendors page that we drive traffic to every day and preference posting in our 30 social media groups with over 120,000 addiction professional members. You can check out our rehab vendors page that we are continuously promoting by clicking here.

We also can instantly plug in treatment centers to this addiction professional audience and individuals seeking treatment including our Top 60 Addiction Treatment Social Media Groups while we set up a proven organic social media marketing plan that also guarantees an audience of your own within 90 days. Organic social media marketing has become sophisticated and having your own audience is paramount. The days of posting without an audience of your own are gone due to the algorithms of LinkedIn, and Facebook. Having an audience of your own guarantees delivery of your message and drives traffic to your website.

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 60 Addiction Treatment Social Media Groups

All the best,
Charles Davis, CEO Behavioral Health Network Resources
Co-Founder Rehab Rescue
Addiction Conferences Provider

National Speaker “Social Media Addiction Treatment Center Marketing for Addiction and Behavioral Health”, and “Get Linked for Addiction Professionals.”


Top 5 Sober Livings Criteria South Florida West Palm

Sober livings West Palm Beach, Florida is a must know for anyone seeking a sober homes or halfway houses. Sober Living plays a critical role in the recovery process. Individuals that decide to drive the road to recovery encounter may detours and obstacles that can sidetrack their recovery. While there are many choices of sober living homes, you’ll want to make sure the home you choose offers the highest level of care, qualities, features that foster total support for your recovery success and are not operating unethically.

Fighting Against Patient Brokering Sober Livings West Palm Beach

Below are the top 5 sober livings West Palm Beach, Florida, however the recommendation to contact the following organizations will help reduce the risks of being in the wrong hands and life threatening situations. There are two very important organizations that one should contact or meet while in the process of picking a sober living. These organizations are; Palm Beach County Substance Awareness Coalition (PBCSAC) and Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR).

Trusted organizations for Halfway Houses and Sober Livings When Searching Sober Livings West Palm Beach

The PBCSAC is a collection of ethical treatment centers, government organizations and individuals setting the framework protecting against “patient brokering”, and better treatment for the addiction treatment. This organization has many ethical centers, meets every Tuesday from 9:30 am – 12 Noon at 2300 High Ridge Rd, Boynton Beach, FL., and you can contact them at 561-374-7627.

FARR is an organization that holds sober livings West Palm Beach at a higher level and is extremely concerned about patient brokering and a high-quality care. They have intense and strict guidelines that sober livings and halfway houses must produce and maintain to have FARR certification. FARR works closely with law makers fighting for regulation of sober livings protecting the many that are in need of sober livings. You can contact FARR at 561-299-0405.

Carefully Pick Recovery Residences, Sober Livings or Halfway Houses in West Palm Beach, FL

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 5 Sober Livings Criteria South Florida West PalmIndividuals seeking sober livings in the West Palm Beach, FL area or being recommended to a sober living by a treatment center, must be careful and cautious before making the decision. Unfortunately, there are “unethical” players out there preying on many addicts that are vulnerable, scared, and clueless to what is happening by letting these scumbags place them in a sober home or treatment center. These situations are serious enough that law enforcement by the Florida State Attorney, Dave Aronberg have been prosecuting (felonies with long jail sentences) dozens fighting for addicts and individuals seeking help.

Rehab Patient Brokering Back Room Deals

These individuals have back-room deals with treatment centers, or several treatment centers brokering addicts for $500-$2,500 a head. The treatment centers can gain anywhere from $10,000 – $100,000’s of dollars on a single patient. If you are ever offered money to go into treatment you need to report them to the Sober Homes Task Force tip line toll free tip line at 844-324-5463, and get far away from that individual and centers associated with them. You can read the patient brokering act (CLICK HERE for Florida Patient Brokering law) and you will be able to determine exactly if you are being taken advantage of and if you are in danger.

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 5 Sober Livings Criteria South Florida West PalmWhile this seems to be a great opportunity to get some much-needed cash, they are placing you in the hands of people that do not care about you, your treatment, your future, or regards to your life. They will talk a great game, be your best friend, connect with you sharing their recovery story, and make you feel like they can help. However, they only care about the personal monetary gain from placing you, how they can manipulate the insurance to continue to pay for “treatment”. These entities have been known to allow drug and alcohol use, entice relapse so you go back to a higher level of care, extortion, and use tactics to keep you in their hands. We have written this article sober livings criteria South Florida” to help educate individuals seeking help and inform them to assist them in recovery journey.

These situations will put you at high risk for; relapse, homelessness, and death.

Confusion Over Patient Brokering Laws

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 5 Sober Livings Criteria South Florida West Palm

There is much confusion for the sober living operators over the last legislation passed regarding regulation of “recovery residences.” Many operators do not clearly understand what is required from the loosely written regulation with several “loop holes.” However, there is new legislation in the process of being passed (House Bill 807), which is now in Congresses hands to get approved. These new changes will put much needed regulation in place to fight the vast, national underground network of “patient brokers”.

The corruption and unethical practices are widespread, and nationwide. These unethical entities are doing patient brokering, illegal drug testing, enticing to use, and shuffling patients from one center to another to name a few. Florida is setting the precedence with the legislative steps that they are aggressively getting passed.

Addiction Treatment Patient Brokering Arrests Florida

The Sober Homes Task force is the most powerful force fighting patient brokering. Florida State Attorney Dave Aronberg, Head of Sober Homes Task Force and his large collection of law enforcement have closed many unethical operators and made many arrests fighting for and enforcing patient brokering laws. They are relying upon many to report any unethical activity with sober homes.

The corruption and unethical practices are widespread, and nationwide. They are not just isolated to sober livings West Palm Beach. These unethical entities are doing patient brokering, illegal drug testing, enticing to use, and shuffling patients from one center to another to name a few. However, Florida is setting the precedence with the laws that were put into place July 1, 2017.

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 5 Sober Livings Criteria South Florida West Palm

We educate the addiction and behavioral health industry CEO’s, executives and marketing professionals at our Addiction Executive Thought Leader Conferences in (Riviera Beach, FL). This is a talk show host/town hall forum. Our industry panelists discuss the industry laws (including administrative and patient brokering) that are now in place, ethical business and marketing practices, what the future landscape is for centers and Sober Homes and the business of addiction treatment in general. Our next event is on June 26, 2018 and features topics including; ethical marketing strategies, aftercare, billing and collections.

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 5 Sober Livings Criteria South Florida West Palm

When you decide to get clean and sober you need to have the best possible level of care in treatment and in a sober living. You are setting up the foundation for your life long journey of sobriety. When you first decide to start your recovery journey, you are scared, confused, and over-whelmed. You must have the confidence that your treatment and sober living choices give you the necessary tools, highest quality of treatment, and assists in your recovery process.

Once you are in treatment at a well-qualified center that fits your individual needs, you will be basically inside a bubble and exposed to that facilities best options for your treatment plan. While you are in treatment you need to start planning for your second phase which is sober living.

Again, the choices will be over-whelming and some treatment centers will bait you with ‘FREE Rent” (this is illegal), or force you to a facility they recommend. If that facility is shady it is usually owned by the treatment center as a LLC, or DBA, or receiving a kick back from the sober living facility. This is considered patient brokering and is illegal.

Finding the Right Sober Livings West Palm Beach, Florida

Sober living facilities are needed to provide a supporting and pro-active healthy transition, allowing you to leave the safety of rehab and enter a less-restrictive living environment while maintaining a focus on recovery. Residents enjoy a less structured atmosphere while developing the tools and skills to sustain sobriety in the “real world.”

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 5 Sober Livings Criteria South Florida West Palm

While there are many sober living facilities in Florida, especially sober livings West Palm Beach, you need to make sure the home you choose offers the highest level of care, qualities, and features that support recovery. You should never commit to living at a sober living home without visiting and talking with the owners and residents.

Top 5 Criteria Sober Living West Palm Beach

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 5 Sober Livings Criteria South Florida West Palm

#1 FARR Certified Residence

Picking a FARR certified residence is one of the best possible choices because they are regulated with the highest standards currently available. They are focused on sober livings West Palm Beach, Florida. This is a critical decision that affects your recovery. You are faced with an overwhelming amount of decisions each day; many affect your sobriety. You need to know the sober living has a proven structure to assist and support recovery. That’s why it’s so important to find a sober living home that implements a higher level of care. It should also implement rules and regulations, such as mandated curfews and a zero-tolerance drug-free environment.

#2 Safety

Being in a safe environment is an absolute necessity. Look for things like; 24/7 staff, if the entire staff is trained in CPR, do they have an emergency kit in case of an overdose, and a protocol for emergencies. What steps and measures do they have to absolutely make sure there are no drugs or alcohol on the premises? Is there a zero tolerance for possession and use of alcohol and drugs? Check out and speak to the people currently living in a sober living facility. Ask them about the technology and safety measures used by the facility.

#3 Connecting Atmosphere

The camaraderie, atmosphere, mood, energy, and vibe at the sober living house with its current residents are very important. During your tour ask to speak with the current residents, they will be valuable in your decision to pick the right place for you. What types of activities are there to help you develop new skills; assistance with job search, life skills, better eating habits, health and fitness. Make sure you feel a positive vibe; your gut will tell you if it is the right place for you.

#4 Supports and Assists Recovery

A solid support system is crucial for anyone in recovery. 12 step recovery is not for everyone, however the sober living should have other actions on and off the property in place like; relapse prevention, AA, NA, and counseling to assist you in recovery. When evaluating a sober living support team, it’s important to find a staff that truly cares about you and your success…but you also want a staff that’s unafraid to enforce necessary rules and regulations.

Everyone’s recovery path is different and at proceeds at different paces, however individualized recovery plans are essential for staying sober. The employees should be professional, and be there to keep you on the road to recovery. They should be encouraging 12 steps, AA, NA meetings or a support system that fosters sobriety. There should also be some sort of drug testing policy in effect.

#5 Take Responsibility; Own It

Remember, you must own your sobriety. That means that you may not always like following rules and regulations like a curfew, structured events, meetings, etc. You must be willing to do the difficult things to maintain sobriety. The sober living home should challenge you to be able to make that step to be fully functional on your own.

You can be confident that if the sober living is certified by FARR that the above are addressed completely by the sober living facility.


%Drug Rehab SEO Top 5 Sober Livings Criteria South Florida West PalmFor many people, the most difficult aspect of an addiction recovery program is remaining clean and sober after the inpatient program ends. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 40 to 60 percent of drug addicts revert to drug abuse after rehab. For some drugs, the statistics are even more grim, with relapse rates for drugs such as opiates approaching 85 percent in some studies. The reasons for this vary, but the most common factor is a lack of preparation for the outside world. Recovering addicts are caught off guard by triggers from which they were protected during treatment, such as drug-abusing friends, old party hangouts, and the stress of everyday life.

Be Careful When Searching Sober Livings West Palm Beach, FL on the Web

The purpose of this article “Top 5 Sober Livings West Palm Beach Florida”  is to make you aware of some things to look for when seeking a sober living. The more research you do, the better your chances of finding an ethical recovery residence. It would be wise to contact the Sober Homes Task Force, FARR, or the PBCSAC to vet any sober homes.

We’d love to hear what you have to say about sober livings, halfway houses and patient brokering. Please help others by posting your thoughts.

Click to join these addiction LinkedIn and Facebook groups. 

FACEBOOK Addiction Professional Referral Group 19,500 Members (1,200 pending approval)

FACEBOOK Generation “X” Addiction Unleashed 9,500 Members

FACEBOOK South Florida Recovery Community 5,600 Members

FACEBOOK The Busines Side of Addiction and Behavioral Health 2,000 Members (1,000 pending approval)

FACEBOOK Addiction Rescue; Help Before It’s Too Late 6,000 Members

LINKEDIN Florida Addiction and Behavioral Health

Read More Interesting Articles

When picking Florida rehab centers you must understand the patient brokering laws that treatment centers for drug addiction must follow.

Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Laws

This entry was posted in drug rehabs West Palm Beach, Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach, California Drug Rehabs, Drug Rehab Marketing Agencies, Drug Rehab Marketing Information, drug rehabs, Drug Rehabs in Florida, Florida Rehab Centers, Patient Brokering, Rehab Marketing, Sober Homes, Sober Homes West Palm Beach Florida, Sober Living and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on by .

How Do I Find the Best Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Options?

It’s hard to find the best Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach rehabilitation facilities options takes some research skills. When seeking substance abuse help in these areas you must be careful. Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach has business administration and patient brokering laws. These drug rehabs West Palm Beach laws pertain to treatment centers for drug addiction, substance abuse rehabilitation centers, sober livings and halfway houses. These addiction treatment center and sober homes laws cover the entire state of Florida. However, the largest concentration is with addiction treatment-related facilities in Palm Beach County.

It is paramount that every individual seeking Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach and addiction professional help fully understand the drug rehabs West Palm Beach laws. Many seeking drug and alcohol addiction treatment in any fashion do not understand the risks that are involved when picking treatment centers, sober livings or halfway houses. Even within the addiction treatment industry, there are some “green” professionals that are being deceived in their new roles. Under the new laws, “ignorance is not bliss.”

Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach and the Evolution of Patient Brokering Laws “The Florida Shuffle”

%Drug Rehab SEO Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Laws

The spotlight is on Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach and addiction treatment marketing has been in South Florida for some time. The media has jumped on the bandwagon with drug rehabs in Florida to get more viewers for more advertising dollars. Some of this coverage is slanted and irresponsible. It has caused many ethical players to struggle in keeping their doors open while causing others to close their doors. The focus of the coverage should be that the new “Florida Model” is paving the road for national laws against patient brokering.

We are fighting a heroin epidemic (more than 150 per day) and the stigma of addiction. One-sided stories of Florida rehab centers are hurting more than they are helping. They have slanted that drug rehabs West Palm Beach and Florida is the only place patient brokering is occurring. Let’s be perfectly clear here, patient brokering is happening in a few Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach substance abuse centers and across the US. all over the United States at treatment centers for drug addiction. Florida happens to be one of the nation’s more popular destinations for addiction treatment. Soon we will see the spotlight shift to other largely populated recovery areas like California, Texas, Arizona and the Northeast.

Who’s Keep Track and Regulating the Addiction Treatment Industry?

It’s difficult to accurately measure how many Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach options their are including 1/2 way houses, recovery residences, and drug rehabs in Florida exist in the geographical area there is some data. For instance, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) did a study in LA County showing 260 sober living homes with a capacity of 3,265 individuals. The number is most likely in excess of 600 based on industry unconfirmed sources, while the unconfirmed numbers in the West Palm Beach, FL area are between 400 to 600.

Finding places like HGR Drug Rehabs San Diego can be beneficial because California law governing drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities is complex. There’s a strong push to ensure that those individuals who need substance abuse treatment receive it, but these concerns must be balanced with those of third-party payers such as insurance companies. If you or a loved one needs help for alcohol or drug addiction, understanding what options exist can be confusing and sometimes even overwhelming. It’s important to know your rights as a patient and your responsibilities as a facility.

If you’re unsure of how to proceed, don’t worry. Finding a good residential alcohol or drug addiction treatment facility can be stressful and confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. The first step is getting educated on how they obtain new clients. Research at least three prospects. Be armed with questions. If the number you call is not the treatment center the website said, hang up. They are baiting you and are most likely a lead generation company.

What to do in West Palm Beach, FL Area

%Drug Rehab SEO Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach LawsFlorida drug rehabs West Palm Beach is the home to many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers. It’s a diverse community and a destination for many including those suffering from drug and addiction problems. It’s beginnings date back to 1513 with Juan Ponce de Leon and had a population of 20,000 native Americans. West Palm Beach’s current population is 100,000. In the heart of West Palm Beach is the Flagler Museum, the Kravis Center, Clematis Street, and City Place districts. These are the areas that attract many seeking drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment. However, they are filled with nightlife, bars, clubs, and restaurants. The largest West Palm Beach area attracting those seeking Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach is Delray Beach, FL. These are some of the reasons why Florida rehab centers and drug rehabs West Palm Beach have been targeted.

While attending a substance abuse rehabilitation center you may also want to visit a historic plantation. In West Palm Beach, Florida, you can get a taste of history at Belle Glade Plantation. Belle Glade Plantation is a 19th-century settlement that was established in 1884 and features a visitor center with a two-room museum and exhibition on slavery in Florida. The site of Belle Glade Plantation is what remains of an original town that once had some 1,500 inhabitants. Today, some structures remain from when it served as a camp for workers involved in building railroads throughout southern Florida during the 1920s and 1930s. It also served as a military post during World War II before being abandoned around 1946. The site was later bought by local residents who restored the remaining structures to represent its historic past while serving as their homes today.

If you’re a sports fan, you’ll be glad to know that West Palm Beach is home to some of Florida’s best-known professional sports teams. The West Palm Beach Knights of Columbus Baseball Club plays at Coombs Field on North Military Trail, and Major League Baseball’s Tampa Bay Rays play at Tropicana Field. In addition, FAU Stadium hosts college football games throughout fall and winter. On a nice day, take your kids to a playground or a park for some fun outdoor activities. Forest Hill Park is one of West Palm Beach’s most popular parks for family-friendly activities such as biking and hiking. Forest Hill Park also has basketball courts and swimming pools if you want something more active to do.

Understanding Why Florida Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers Have a Bad Reputation?

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Delray Beach, FL Sunny Addiction Treatment Destination

When seeking Florida drug rehabs Port St Lucie, Delray Beach, FL. is ground zero. In the West Palm Beach area is the heart of the recovery community in Florida. Although Delray Beach is only 15 square miles there are many sober homes and 1/2-way houses. It has been marked by the New York Times in 2007, as the drug recovery capital of the United States. This dubbing was due to having one of the nation’s largest addiction recovery communities and the highest number of sober living homes.

Only 15 minutes from West Palm Beach is Broward County. This area boasts about 400 treatment centers for drug addiction compared to 600 Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach locations. It is the home of the best IOP drug rehabs Fort Lauderdale. They are considered the best due to their success rates. In addition to many drug rehabs West Palm Beach locations their is also Fort Lauderdale and Miami.

Other major news outlets like NBC News have aired stories on many Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach centers because it has been riddled with fraudulent practices. Many have claimed Florida is generating a billion dollars a year.  Consider this, in 2015, Forbes did an article claiming the addiction treatment industry generates 35 billion dollars a year. Drug rehabs in Florida generate a billion dollars, where is the other 34 billion from treatment centers for drug addiction? According to these numbers, Florida may not be the worst state with patient brokering issues.

Best Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Listings

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The best Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach options and treatment centers for drug addiction can be difficult to find. One of the best in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Miami and south Florida is

NEURO PSYCHIATRIC ADDICTION CLINIC – Detox & Rehab in Port St. Lucie. They are a residential inpatient, drug and alcohol addiction treatment program specializing in mental health. They are one of the most popular addiction treatment centers because that address the core issues. Mental health is often the core of addiction.

To treat alcohol addiction, an entire mental health team should be involved, including doctors, nurses and psychiatrists. After detoxification (usually 7-10 days), patients may need to participate in individual or group therapy sessions for one to three hours per day to address their underlying issues and help prevent relapse. For example, psychotherapy can help alcoholics learn how to cope with negative emotions without using alcohol.

Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous may also be used after formal treatment has ended Regular participation in these types of support groups has been linked to better long-term sobriety for addicts. If outpatient treatment is not sufficient for managing your alcoholism, you may need inpatient treatment at a residential facility to fully recover from your addiction.

Governmental Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Listings

The government has the largest website on drug and alcohol addiction. However, there are many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers that are not listed on their website. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMSHA) website only lists 92 Florida rehab centers categorized as substance abuse in a 25-mile radius around West Palm Beach, including Delray Beach, FL.

According to Florida’s 2014 data, nearly 450 outpatient programs, 130 short-term residential treatment centers and 60 long-term residential treatment centers operate throughout South Florida. The number of addiction treatment facilities continues to grow as more people become aware of how helpful rehabilitation can be. You can also visit Rehab Treatment Center Locator for a comprehensive list of alcohol and drug rehabs in your area. The key is finding a center that works best for you – start your search today! What Are Drug Detox Centers? Drug detoxification involves removing drugs or alcohol from your body and can help you recover from addiction at a safe pace.

This list includes drug rehabs West Palm Beach, sober homes, and halfway houses. Even though we know there are many unregistered sober homes, this list should most likely be over 400 facilities. Many of these are attached to Florida rehab centers and must follow FARR rules.

%Drug Rehab SEO Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Laws

In comparison on SAMSHA’s website, there are 274 treatment centers, sober homes and halfway houses listed in a 25-mile radius around Los Angeles County. These numbers fall in line with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) study and clearly show we need to address that all addiction treatment centers, sober livings, and halfway houses be registered and regulated by some governing body. this is essential because California drug rehabs Los Angeles are now under the microscope with patient brokering laws.

The majority of alcohol and drug addiction treatment centers in Orange County are private facilities that provide residential, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization or day rehabilitation programs. Community-based programs are also an option for patients that reside in Orange County California. Many local agencies, including city and county governments offer support groups for family members of addicts to help them cope with their loved one’s disease. Different facility types can offer different services. Before you begin your search for a detox or rehab center make sure you know what type of service is needed for your loved one’s recovery program. You can check out our tips section to learn about some of these services.

%Drug Rehab SEO Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Laws

Do Research on Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers

This article simplistically outlines the new drug rehabs in Florida laws and behavioral health legal counsel should be contacted for exact interpretation. Our goal is to direct addiction treatment centers and sober living owners, operators and addiction professionals to the Florida law statutes. This is paramount for them to operate ethically and responsibly. It also goes beyond educating on Florida alcohol detox centers Port St Lucie centers and addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach, there are laws across the entire US.

Take for instance, treatment centers for drug addiction start-ups with many new Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach options in Florida. Many are residential inpatient addiction treatment centers and alcohol detox facilities. They are ethically using drug rehab marketing be educating with in-depth content. The drug and alcohol information available is comprehensive. Be sure to check if they are Joint Commission accredited.

What are the Addiction Treatment Center Regulations?

The regulation of Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach stemmed from five Florida rehab centers bills. These five bills HB 807 (SB 788), HB 249 (SB 588), HB 477, HB 557 (SB 840), and SB 866 (HB 791) have taken many concerned elected officials years to get passed. If you would like a simple break-down you can read, “Patient Brokering Top 5 Legal Things Nationally.” You may also want to read the “Top 5 Criteria for Sober Livings in Florida.”

The new Florida rehab centers laws cover much more than just drug rehabs West Palm Beach locations, and rehab marketing for drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers. The laws affect more recovery residences. 1/2-way houses and sober homes in the West Palm Beach, Florida area. They cover all of Florida.

In general, a sober home is a place for people in recovery from addiction. Often called sober living homes or sober houses, these residences offer those in recovery from addiction affordable rent and additional support as they try to find their own path to sobriety. Sober homes typically allow residents to move at their own pace toward independent living and don’t require any type of formal treatment or attendance at 12-step meetings as a condition of residence. Though there is no official definition of a sober home, they typically operate as private residences and should not be confused with licensed treatment centers (inpatient facilities). Some sober homes make money by collecting fees from treatment centers and taking commission on insurance payments.

The laws also cover opiate detox West Palm Beach. It must also be understood that if you are out of state and engage in breaking any of these new laws with an organization in Florida, you are subject to Florida laws and can be prosecuted. This includes offering any enticements (airfare) to bring a client out of the state of Florida.

Chapter 2017-179 Encompasses substance abuse Rehabilitation Centers

While the laws focus on Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale and Miami, they apply for the entire state of Florida. The laws also cover deceptive web marketing practices. Popular search terms like “inpatient drug rehabs San Diego near me” are being redirected to shady websites copycat sites.

Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach need to pay attention. The CHAPTER 2017-173 is a criminal statute which specifically prohibits Florida drug rehabs any health care providers or health care facilities from giving or receiving any form of remuneration in exchange for referrals, regardless of the source of payment for the applicable service or product. The Florida Legislature passed the Patient Brokering Act after learning that various hospitals, mental health, addiction treatment centers and sober livings we’re brokering patients.

If you or a loved one is ready to quit using drugs and alcohol, it’s important to remember that treatment and recovery is a process – not an event. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous individuals take advantage of vulnerable people during their darkest moments and encourage them to enroll in treatment before they’re truly ready. This could be financial exploitation by someone who gets kickbacks for referrals or it could be medical fraud designed to turn a profit at your expense. Regardless of how it happens, brokering services should never interfere with your right to choose where you get help for substance abuse problems.

Overview of Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Laws

%Drug Rehab SEO Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Laws

2017 Florida Rehab Centers Statutes on Fraudulent Practices;

  • License application for drug rehabs in Florida; requiring accreditation for certain license renewals.
  • The new role of DCF for Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach.
  • Higher licensing fees to cover the cost of regulation.
  • Background screening with treatment centers for drug addiction owners, directors, chief financial officers, and clinical supervisors.
  • Authorizing the department to deny a renewal application of a regular license if received fewer than 30 days before expiration.
  • Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach rehabilitation centers are required to have clinical supervisors of addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach undergo background screening.
  • Requiring the department to establish minimum standards for license of substance abuse service components.
  • Specifying standards, procedures, and staffing requirements for Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach.
  • DCF can conduct announced and unannounced inspections in all drug rehabs in Florida..
  • Limiting referrals to and from recovery residences in certain circumstances; providing exceptions; requiring a service provider to maintain certain referral records.
  • Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services can take action against an entity providing services without a license.
  • Unlawful for a person to offer or pay, or solicit or receive, benefits for clients.
  • In order to be issued a regular addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach license, the applicant must be in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. An application for renewal of a regular license must be submitted to the department at least 60 days before the license expires.
  • Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach licensed under this part may not make a referral of a prospective, current, or discharged the patient to, or accept a referral of such a patient from, a recovery residence unless the recovery residence holds a valid certificate of compliance as provided in s. 397.487 and is actively managed by a certified recovery residence administrator as provided in s. 397.4871.
  • 397.4871 does not apply if referrals by a recovery residence to a licensed service provider when the recovery residence or its owners, directors, operators, or employees do not benefit, directly or indirectly, from the referral.
  • A licensed Florida drug rehabs west Palm Beach centers service provider shall maintain records of referrals to, or from recovery residences as may be prescribed by the department in the rule.
  • After June 30, 2019, drug rehabs in Florida violating this section shall be subject to an administrative fine of $1,000 per occurrence. Repeat violations of this section may subject a provider to license suspension or revocation pursuant to 397.415.
  • Making a false or misleading statement, or providing false or misleading information, about the provider’s, or operator’s, or third party’s products, goods, services, or geographical locations in its marketing, advertising materials, or media on its website. This is often done to increase drug rehab marketing and SEO rankings.
  • Including on its website false information or electronic links, coding, or activation that provides false information or that surreptitiously directs the reader to another website in their rehab marketing campaigns.
  • Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach addiction treatment centers for rehabilitation entering into a marketing contract with a provider who agrees to generate referrals or leads for the placement of patients with a service provider or in a recovery residence through a call center or a web-based presence, unless the service provider or the operator of the recovery residence disclose the following to the prospective patient so that the patient can make an informed health care decision.
  • Information about drug rehabs West Palm Beach, the specifically licensed service providers, or recovery residences that are represented by the provider and pay a fee to the marketing provider, including the identity of such service providers or recovery residences.
  • Clear and concise instructions that allow the prospective patient to easily access lists of licensed service providers and recovery residences on the department website.

Addiction Conferences Educating on Ethical Drug Rehab Marketing and Business Practices

%Drug Rehab SEO Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Laws

Behavioral Health Network Resources holds addiction conferences for Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach facilities and treatment centers for drug addiction educating on ethical drug rehab marketing strategies. Drug rehabs in Florida are getting much needed LinkedIn training at our addiction conferences 2021 “Get Linked for Addiction Professionals” drug rehab marketing series. This event will train addiction treatment centers and ancillary services providers on how;

  • how to properly build a LinkedIn profile
  • use LinkedIn for back-links and get SEO juice that can rank on page one of Google
  • build a new referral source with private clinicians, EAP’s, psychologists and more.
  • hoe to distribute content with Pulse Posts
  • how to use groups to reach 100,000’s

Behavioral Health Network Resources has held addiction conferences for 3 years with 15 addiction professional conferences. We started by educating Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale and Miami. These events have provided vital business and marketing intelligence to survive the drastic changes from new laws and regulations. California is experiencing what Florida experienced 1-1/2 years ago.  The events tackle and provide proven, ethical business and marketing strategies. Addiction treatment centers and sober livings learn proven long-term solutions for maintaining a healthy census and how to generate more revenue.

Each event is in a unique talk show host, town hall-style conference featuring 5 Executive panelists. This is an interactive forum that features 150-200 attendees and 15 exhibitors. You can contact Charles Davis at, or 561-235-6195 if you would like to be a panelist, sponsor or exhibit at our Florida rehab centers events call us today..

W2 Employees and 1099 Contractors Some Rehabilitation Facilities May Not be Protected. 

Many Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach centers believe that they are free to compensate marketers based on the number of patients or the amount of revenue they bring to an SAT provider as long as the marketer is hired on a W2 basis.  Is it really that simple? In addition to carefully choosing whether the characterize the marketer as 1099 or W2, are there any other steps SAT providers can take to help shore up their marketing arrangements from a regulatory perspective?

It is rare that someone goes to an alcohol detox center or an inpatient drug rehab center without being recommended or encouraged by a friend or family member. They don’t find their way to these facilities randomly, but because someone they know has asked them to go. There are legal issues surrounding providing cash incentives for referring patients to treatment centers. It’s fairly cut and dry—at least in most states. You cannot provide cash incentives for referring patients to treatment centers, period. It is against patient-brokering laws and would result in immediate revocation of your license if found out, not to mention multiple civil lawsuits being filed against you.

What Ethical Drug Rehab Marketing Resources are Available for Florida and West Palm Beach

There is a need for drug rehab marketing educational information on Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach. The new laws have impacted addiction treatment center marketing on how they can get referrals. It is now paramount the drug rehabilitation centers establish ethical referral relationships. This is true from drug rehabs West Palm Beach all the way to Miami. Below is the top 5 addiction professional referral resource to assist outreach and marketing professionals. Connect with ethical centers in the Facebook Addiction Professional Referral group with 20,000 members helping dozens every week. This is an extremely active group with professionals seeking a fit for their clients and individuals seeking help.

  1. Facebook Addiction Professional Referral Group 19,000 Members with 500 waiting to be approved. One of Facebook’s most active addiction groups, highly monitored with over 6,000 banned in the last 12 months.
  2. LinkedIn Addiction Professional Referral Group 14,000 Members
  3. Facebook Florida Rehab Centers Connection  2,000 Members (Only in Florida)
  4. Facebook California Addiction and Behavioral Health Connection

You can join the groups above by going to our page that lists them and 56 other addiction groups on the web. Get connected to the “Top 60 Addiction and Behavioral Health Social Media GroupsOver 120,000 Members.

Understand Florida Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach and Florida Laws

Drug rehabs West Palm Beach, sober homes, and treatment centers for drug addiction have been hit hard with media coverage on the Florida Shuffle. This has affected many ethical operators making it difficult to obtain new clients. there are many great substance abuse rehabilitation centers across the US. Get educated on addiction treatment and get an idea of what type of care you need. Remember, an assessment by a qualified addiction professional should be done. This is usually with a qualified doctor. There should be a treatment plan laid out that is explained prior to enrolling.

The marketing landscape has changed for many facilities. Marketing si one of the largest costs they have. Patient brokering has complicated things for the ethical operators. Centers now are looking at drug rehab advertising to compete with PPC using Legit Script certification. Florida only accounts for one billion dollars of the industries 35 billion dollars that are being generated.

The media in its effort to gain viewers and advertising dollars need to be more responsible with their reporting. They need to report all the other bad areas including California, Texas, Arizona, and the North East. The bad publicity from Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach is driving individuals seeking addiction treatment to another state where it could potentially be worse. Judging by the industry revenue numbers of $35 billion a year, there is $34 billion that is unaccounted.

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